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Our Vision

Enabling the startups, small businesses, and enterprises of the world to increase their bottom-line through sales innovation.

Our Mission

Leadle will always prioritize people and processes because we believe that these are the two keys to accelerated, sustained growth for our clients. Our sales professionals come from various states, speak different languages and practice different religions, but are all uniform in their focus on learning, growth, and continuous improvement, thus constantly enabling our clients to crush their sales goals.

Founding Team


Harinie bootstrapped Leadle, a Chennai-based B2B lead generation company that has grown 3x in the last year and is poised to grow 5x this year. We have over 150+ happy clients and we are the go-to sales agency if you have a high-value product/service with a complex sales cycle.

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Our focus on process, continuous improvement and sales innovation come from our resident critic and Co-Founder Suraj. His 10+ years of experience in setting methods, standards, and quality means that nothing slips through the cracks at Leadle.

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